About NATRA Blog

This page is meant for folks to post their thoughts on the Saturday group run. I (Neil) will post a blurb about who showed up and where it was held. From there, I hope that other runners will share their thoughts since we often have different experiences on the same run. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

City of Flagstaff Buys Picture Canyon!!!!

An historic auction on the steps of the County Courthouse today - The City of Flagstaff bought Picture Canyon after many years and many battles over efforts to clean up, protect, and manage what was once an eyesore on the edge of the City.

Over the past few years partners have turned Picture Canyon into a jewel, one that Flagstaff can now continually polish for years to come. Many said this would not happen, but relentless partners were unphased and today, one of the most important archaeological sites in the region is under the City of Flagstaff ownership. Thanks to numerous volunteer efforts the area has been cleaned up. There are a lot of stories that hit the news today and pictures are floating all over the internet. See below:

City Manager Kevin Burke makes the winning (and only) bid.

Celia, David, Alicyn, McKenzie, Neil celebrate on Zane Gray balcony.

Video by John Grahame

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